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CAI Southern Colorado

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CAI is an international membership organization dedicated to building better communities. With over 40,000 members, CAI has 63 chapters worldwide, including Canada, the Middle East and South Africa, and relationships with housing leaders in a number of other countries, including Australia and the United Kingdom. CAI provides information, education and resources to the homeowner volunteers who govern communities and the professionals who support them. CAI members include association board members and other homeowner leaders, community managers, association management firms and other professionals who provide products and services to associations. CAI serves community associations and homeowners by:

  • Advancing excellence through seminars, workshops, conferences and education programs, most of which lead to professional designations for community managers and other industry professionals.

  • Publishing the largest collection of resources available on community association management and governance, including website content, books, guides,  Common Ground magazine and specialized newsletters.

  • Advocating on behalf of common-interest communities and industry professionals before legislatures, regulatory bodies and the courts.

  • Conducting research and serving as an international clearinghouse for information, innovations and best practices in community association development, governance and management.

We believe homeowner and condominium associations should strive to exceed the expectations of their residents. We work toward this goal by identifying and meeting the evolving needs of the professionals and volunteers who serve associations, by being a trusted forum for the collaborative exchange of knowledge and information, and by helping our members learn, achieve and excel. Our mission is to inspire professionalism, effective leadership and responsible citizenship—ideals reflected in associations that are preferred places to call home.

For more information, please visit https://www.caionline.org/

Thank you to our 2025 Sponsors!

CAI Southern Colorado

Call Us: 719-432-9960
Email Us: info@caisoco.org

P.O. Box 63831
Colorado Springs, CO 80962

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