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CAI Southern Colorado

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Colorado Legislative Action Committee Latest News


  • September 01, 2023 11:25 AM | Anonymous

    This is an update that I am sending to you as your friendly local Southern Colorado Chapter Delegate to CLAC:

    ISSUE #1

    The HOA Task Force (created in the last legislative session) has come alive on the DORA website. I just took the survey and it shops for negativity. If you live in OR work in a community association, you are eligible to take the survey. Please do so and encourage your Board Members, colleagues and friends to do so as well. Also, please register where the community you are referencing is located using the Map widget. There are a lot of angry stories and on here so I’m hoping we can sprinkle in some good vibes and kindness.

    Under one of the “Other” checkboxes I literally wrote that I thought they were trying to find reasons to be angry with HOAs. For me, I am angry that our Board has no enforcement mechanisms to maintain the beautiful community where my family invested. But what do I know? I’ll probably break down and support the next fundraiser for our clubhouse…

    Scroll down on the page to find the survey and the “story telling” and “map” widgets


    Go forth and multiply (the use of this survey).

    ISSUE #2

    If you are interested in serving on the Colorado Legislative Action Committee as a Delegate, Southern Colorado Chapter has one opening (and the LAC overall has several openings) and is seeking volunteers immediately. I will help train you on your roles and responsibilities over the next year (October to October). CLAC also provides an orientation. Please contact me or our LAC Chair, Danaly Howe, directly. DHolley@hearnfleener.com or DanalyCLAC@ccgcolorado.com

    ISSUE #3

    The CLACsic Golf Outing is on September 20th at Arrowhead Golf Course in Roxborough. It is an afternoon tournament. Please register and play! There will be a dinner afterwards. You do not have to golf to participate, $50 per person for dinner only. http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=tbpumj9ab&oeidk=a07ejtn1cygf2038f7a

    Thank you to all the companies already supporting the CLACsic (if you don’t see their name, ask them why not!):

    Smith Jaden Johnson


    5280 Waste

    Mountain View Pella

    VF Law

    AGS Construction

    Hearn & Fleener

    Burg Simpson

    Infinity Roofing

    Peak Pro Painting

    ServPro of Fort Collins

    Association Reserves

    Blue Frog Roofing

    Ella Washington’s American Family Insurance Agency

    CoCal Landscaping

    ServPro SCS

    Sunland Asphalt

    Reconstruction Experts

  • August 23, 2023 1:45 PM | Anonymous

    CLAC is seeking applications to serve as a Delegate for a 2 year term starting October 1, 2023 and ending September 30, 2025. Although the National deadline for candidates is in September, our local Nominating Committee is asking for applications as soon as possible, ideally before August 30th. We have open positions and a few applications have already been submitted.

    Only one representative from a company may serve on the local (Colorado) LAC at a time. Please consider this and consult your colleagues who might be interested in these roles to optimize how your company is represented.

    LAC Nominee Form

    Conflict of Interest Form

    Operational Guidelines

    National Public Policies

    Please contact us at info@caisoco.org with any questions you may have!

    Read more about the Colorado Legislative Action Committee here!

  • June 15, 2023 12:08 PM | Anonymous

    Hey Everybody - We scheduled some CLAC Events!


    If you're attending the CAI Rocky Mountain Chapter Golf Outing at Legacy Ridge Golf Course in Westminster tomorrow (6/16/23), we are hosting a CLAC Fundraising Cluster Putt before the shotgun start. No skill required. Each ball is $20 by cash, check, card, apple pay or venmo. Everyone putts at one hole at the same time and the ball that goes in wins 50% of the pot. The balance benefits your CAI Legislative Action Committee!

    You gotta be there tomorrow by 7:30AM to play.

    If you just want to donate to CLAC, Click the Trivia Link and access the pay portal.


    We are hosting our Annual CLAC Trivia Night on Tuesday, July 18th at Sinners & Saints in Castle Rock. Sponsorships and Teams available!

    Learn More about Trivia


    We are booked for an afternoon Golf Outing on Wednesday, September 20th at Arrowhead Golf Course. We are looking for management players for the CLAC-Built Teams. We have golf teams, hole sponsorships and more available! This is CLAC's biggest fundraiser. We hope you can join us!

    Learn More about CLACsic

  • April 26, 2023 9:53 AM | Anonymous

    With just more than one week left in the 2023 Colorado legislative session, the CAI Colorado Legislative Action Committee (CLAC) would like to invite you to register for and attend a one-hour webinar providing a Colorado legislative update by members of CLAC on Thursday, April 27th at 1 PM MT.

    HB22-1137 – The Saga Continues
    CLAC has engaged in stakeholder meetings since October to express a wide range of issues created by HB22-1137 which resulted in a bill draft that addressed a large chunk of these. However, when vetted by HB22-1137 proponents, the bill took an immediate about-face and began to entertain concepts that went against the interests of CAI, CLAC, and the community association industry in Colorado.

    Both proponents and opponents agreed that additional conversations need to occur, and data should be collected before moving forward on any type of cleanup bill. Given the short amount of time remaining in the session, neither party believed that meaningful discussions and solutions could result in a supported bill this session. At this time, there will not be a legislative fix to HB22-1137 introduced in 2023.

    While disappointing, the promise of no additional action by proponents and a commitment to take a deep dive on the issues created in HB22-1137 IS a step in the right direction as it also avoided additional harmful measures that would have likely passed given the current makeup of the legislature. Leadership commended CLAC for providing their perspective and following appropriate avenues. 

    HB23-1105 - Being Put to Task
    Homeowners’ Associations and Metropolitan District Homeowners’ Rights Task Force are making its way through the legislative process. This Task Force (which may turn into an interim committee) is being considered as the forum for continued HB22-1137 conversations in the interim. CLAC is processing the HB22-1137 survey data to bring to the table. To date, we have received 434 responses to the survey out of the approximately 2600 that were sent out. If you receive this email, please take the time to fill out the CLAC’s HB22-1137 Survey if you have not done so already.

    To hear more about these legislative items and updates to others that are pending please register and attend the CLAC webinar being held on April 27, 2023, at 1 PM MT.


  • February 15, 2023 10:39 AM | Anonymous

    Thanks to everyone's efforts, the CAI Colorado Legislative Action Committee (CLAC) is pleased to announce that yesterday, February 14, 2023, HB23-1131 - Majority of Unit Owners Required for Home Owners’ Association Budgets – was POSTPONED INDEFINITELY, effectively killing the bill

    CLAC engaged its grassroots network, inviting CAI Colorado members who are constituents of the Colorado House Committee on Transportation, Housing & Local Government to contact members of this Committee to urge each to vote in opposition of HB23-1131. More than 270 individual emails were sent to legislators on this Committee over a 36-hour period on behalf of CAI Colorado members resulting in HB23-1131 being killed by a committee vote of 9-4.

    CLAC would like to thank everyone who participated in the Committee’s first grassroots email campaign of 2023. We also thank everyone who provided testimony (both remotely and in writing to the Committee) on behalf of community associations and in opposition to the language in this bill.  Please stay tuned for future email updates and call to action campaigns from the CLAC!

    Click here to follow the important 2023 legislation CAI and CLAC is tracking in Colorado

    Your Assistance is Needed

    The CAI Colorado LAC relies on outside resources such as professional lobbying as a vital and integral part of the legislative process. The volunteers who make up the COLORADO Legislative Action Committee – including homeowner leaders, community managers, and business partners – greatly rely on contributions from management companies and business partners in addition to individuals to continue their important efforts in the legislature. The Colorado LAC needs your financial support to bolster their advocacy activities in 2023 and beyond. We encourage donations from Colorado community associations, business partners, and individuals. Please visit www.caionline.org/lacdonate and donate to “Colorado” to support our continued efforts.



Thank you to our 2025 Sponsors!

CAI Southern Colorado

Call Us: 719-432-9960
Email Us: info@caisoco.org

P.O. Box 63831
Colorado Springs, CO 80962

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