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CAI Southern Colorado

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2023 CAI SOCO Committees

CAI SOCO encourages Chapter involvement through its committees. As part of a committee, volunteer members work together to address various areas within the organization. Most importantly, this gives members an opportunity to help shape the Chapter.

CAI SOCO has committees that members are encouraged to participate in. Members get the most out of their membership when they invest time into helping committees stay active and innovative. Our committees implement the strategic plan for the Chapter. From programs to publications to legislative activity, committee members provide the strength that enables the Chapter to meet the needs of its member communities and businesses in Southern Colorado.

Benefits of Joining a Committee

  • Meet, network and establish a rapport with other industry members and the community association industry
  • Establish yourself and your company as a leader in the community association industry
  • Keep abreast of changes, trends and developments in the community association industry
  • Recognition among peers for outstanding work and volunteerism
  • Share knowledge and experiences to create quality programs and services to improve the community association industry.

Please email us at info@caisoco.org if you are interested in joining a committee. The current list of Committees and information regarding each one is below.

Business Partner Council

Committee Chair: Scott Janson
Committee Charter

The Business Partner Council is established by and serves at the direction of the Board of Directors. The purposed of the Committee is to work within the Chapter structure to develop and plan programs and services to enhance the Business Partner experience in the Chapter. 

Golf Committee

Committee Co-Chairs: Jason Stephenson, Mike Kelson
Committee Charter

The Golf Committee is established by and serves at the direction of the Board of Directors. The purpose of the Committee is to plan, organize, and facilitate the Annual Golf Tournament, which is a fundraising event of the Chapter. 

Education Committee

Committee Chair: Lindsay Thompson
Committee Charter

The Education Committee is established by and serves at the direction of the Board of Directors. The purpose of the Committee is to propose educational program topics and speakers that further the education of the membership. The Committee will also work with the Chapter Executive Director (CED) to select the speakers for the Board Leadership Development Workshop (BLDW) classes and Law Day. 

Membership Committee

Committee Co-Chairs: Robert Gonzales, Aletta Marciano
Committee Charter

The Membership Committee is established by and serves at the direction of the Board of Directors. The purpose of the Committee is to recruit new members to the Chapter and promote retention of the current members. 

Hospitality Committee

Committee Chair: Scott Janson
Committee Charter

The Hospitality Committee is established by and serves at the direction of the Board of Directors. The purpose of the Hospitality Committee is to welcome members and guests to all Chapter events, promote friendliness at all Chapter functions by offering each attendee a personal welcome, and assist guests in getting acquainted with members and other guests. 

Newsletter Committee

Committee Co-Chairs: Tressa Bishop, Mia Gonzalez
Committee Charter

The Newsletter Committee is established by and serves at the direction of the Board of Directors. The purpose of the Committee is to select topics and authors for articles published in the quarterly newsletter, ensuring that the mission, vision and purpose of CAI are not contradicted. In addition, the Committee will make sure that the content of the articles are educational in nature and not self-promoting by the authors. The Committee will strive to maintain a balance of articles and advertisements throughout the newsletter. 

Special Events Committee

Committee Co-Chairs: Lindsay Boshart, Shannon LeBleu
Committee Charter

The Special Events Committee is established by and serves at the direction of the Board of Directors. The purpose of the Committee is to plan and coordinate networking and social events for all membership types. Current events include a Bowling Tournament, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo event, Top Golf Tournament, and the Holiday Party. 

Expo Committee

Committee Chair: Nicole Hernandez
Committee Charter

The Expo Committee is established by and serves at the direction of the Board of Directors. The purpose of the Committee is to plan and coordinate the annual CAI SOCO trade show and exposition. 

Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors!

CAI Southern Colorado

Call Us: 719-432-9960
Email Us: info@caisoco.org

P.O. Box 63831
Colorado Springs, CO 80962

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