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CAI Southern Colorado

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2023 October Education Luncheon

  • October 10, 2023
  • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • The Pinery at the Hill, 775 W Bijou St., Colorado Springs, CO 80905
  • 37


  • CAI SoCo Committee Chairpersons attend monthly luncheons at no charge.
  • CAI SoCo Committee Members attend luncheons with a 20% discount towards the luncheon price.

Registration is closed

2023 October Education Luncheon

Topic: Collections Under HB22-1137: What We Know So Far

Presenter: Bryce Meighan, Anderson, Dude & Lebel P.C.

Bryce Meighan is a partner at the law firm of Anderson, Dude & Lebel, P.C. and he received his law degree from the Drake University School of Law.  Bryce has been representing homeowner associations for over 15 years.  His work with homeowner associations covers collections, covenant amendments and enforcement, rule drafting, litigation, and counseling Boards on a range of issues. 

Bryce is active in the Community Association Institute’s Southern Colorado Chapter and has served on its Board of Directors and many of its committees.  Bryce has presented at numerous homeowner association seminars, including many times at the Southern Colorado Chapter’s Law Day and lunch seminars.  Bryce is also active in the community and is a member of the Colorado Springs Downtown Lions Club. 

Join us for networking, a delicious gourmet lunch, and an education session all in one! 1 CE credit for those holding the CMCA designation.

The Pinery at the Hill
775 W Bijou St
Colorado Springs, CO 80905

Registration closes the Friday before the event at 5pm MST. The event begins at 11am with networking, lunch, and our presentation after.

Homeowner Leader Member: $5
Manager Member: $25
Business Partner Member: $35
Non-Member: $45

**3.25% of all event fees are in support of CLAC (Colorado Legislative Action Committee) and are therefore not tax deductible.***

Thank you to our October Luncheon Sponsors

Thank you to our 2025 Sponsors!

CAI Southern Colorado

Call Us: 719-432-9960
Email Us: info@caisoco.org

P.O. Box 63831
Colorado Springs, CO 80962

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